Channel: Billy Blanks Tae Bo® Fitness
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: trendinglower bodyrehabmotivationbilly blanks motivationtraininghip surgerystretchingcelebrity rehabpush yourselfhip replacementbilly blanksbalancelower body exerciseinjuryhip muscleshome workoutsinjury pronehip workoutsworkout videosstrength trainingtae bo fitnessbilly blanks therapybilly blanks tae bopositivecoreday 20 ptnba workoutbilly blanks videosboxingcelebrity workoutschallengephysical therapysurgeryblessing
Description: Just 3 weeks out of surgery and I'm already starting to get back to my Tae Bo movements back! LETS GO! Make time to workout everyday in order to keep your body strong so that if you do get injured or have a surgery it can fight it's way back to normal in no time.