Channel: Supercuts Delight
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: supercuts delightdoomdave bautista as the doom slayerdave bautista army of the deaddoom slayerwhen the doom music kicks indoom gamedave bautistadoom musicarmy of the dead actionarmy of the deadarmy of the dead scenesdoom eternal
Description: Dave Bautista becomes the Doom Slayer in Army of the dead. This video is similar to the meme "when the doom music kicks in" but with more effort. Thank you to @hunter.kaufman on Instagram for helping with the opening and closing VFX. Thank you to my Patrons: Sean Clancy, k4nd17r33, Debbs, The_Henne, Luis Andino, Valarmorgulis, Florida Buqmeti, Jaywantsacat, and Subliminal Transformation.