Channel: Adobe Substance 3D
Category: Education
Tags: game artpbrphysically based renderingenvironment arttexturing3d painting3d texturingsubstance painter stylizedallegorithmicsubstance paintergame developmentsubstance painter tutorial3drealistichyper-realisticsubstance designer tutorialfreesubstance designersubstance painter tutorial beginnerartdevlog3d designsubstance sourceproceduraldigital artgamedevmaterialsenvironment artist3d materialgame devlog
Description: For our first livestream of the year we’re delighted to welcome Käy Vriend, a passionate material artist and consultant who is well-known in the game art community. Käy created a range of assets for the latest release of Substance 3D Painter; in this livestream, he’ll take you behind the scenes of his artistic process. Explore the creation of some dynamic brushes for use in Painter, including an in-depth look at how these brushes were created in Designer.