Channel: RocketJump Film School
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: cinematic techniquemovie magicspecial effectssci fifilmmakingrocketjump film schooldummiesvideo productionfilmmaking tutorialcinemarocketjumpvideo tutorialhorrormirror shotforced perspectivefilmillusionsstuntsrjfsmovie tricksfilm productiontutorialsdoublesfilm schoolvisual effectsfake weapons
Description: For the month of October RocketJump FRIGHT School releases spooky, horror-themed filmmaking tutorials! However, all the concepts and principles introduced in this video have been used in every style of filmmaking, from cinema's earliest days to the present. "Movie Magic" is something you hear pretty often. Filmmaking itself is about creating an engaging illusion; bringing an audience into a story so deeply that they forget it isn't real. In this video essay, Joey discusses the unique and creative problem solving required of filmmakers to create and maintain that illusion. Ultimately, it comes down to teamwork: the seamless interlocking of every department and the layering of the different crafts, concepts, and techniques needed to make it work. Man, 20 minutes is still not enough time to include everything we wanted. Did we miss any of your favorite movie magic tricks? Share them here in our forum! - - - Questions about our sponsors and how they work? A video on that soon, but we have an open policy and can answer your questions directly on our forums: - - - Thanks for watching! More videos at! We are live on YouTube every Thursday at 4PM PST! You can also follow us on Facebook & Twitter: