Channel: Amazed Skill
Category: Gaming
Tags: fortnite music video country roadscountry roads fortnite parodyfortnite battle royalefortnite musicfortnite battle royale music videocountry roads fortnitecountry roads fortnite music videofortnite music videomusic video fortnitefortnite music video parodyamazed skill fortnitefortnite parodyfortnite country roadsfortnite short filmfortnite short film musicfortnite cinematicfortniteamazed skillmusic videocountry roads
Description: Thanks for watching use code Amazed-Skill in the item shop for more videos if you enjoyed. John Denver - Take Me Home, Country Roads Song Link - If you want to follow me on my social medias here are my twitter and instagram Twitter - Instagram - Thanks for watching tell me what you want to see next in the comments down below Have an amazing day stay close to God and God bless