Channel: HamRadioConcepts
Category: Entertainment
Tags: jim cantore cat5the weather channelham radio stuff k8mrdhamradioprepham radio license feesdmrtempestjim cantore eye wallkj4yziweatherflow handheld weather meterk6uda radioham radio prepweather channelham radio 2.0amateur radiohow to get solargmrs licensetempest weather stationhamradioconceptsham radio crash coursegmrs radioweatherflowham radio conceptsweathermetersolar off gridamateur radio licensehow to hget a ham radio license
Description: Check out this cool piece of gear made by Weatherflow. The Pocket Weathermeter gives you on-site weather telemetry wherever you are. Check out the links below: Thank you to all my generous patrons at who donate to keep the AM Shortwave podcast going at WRMI in Okeechobee Florida, 9.395MHz and 5.950MHz every Sunday 8pm to 9pm EST. Interested in obtaining your ham radio license? The best way to get started is at Use the code eric20 at checkout to save 20%. You will pass the exam on your first try or your money back. #weathermeter #weatherflow #hamradioconcepts