Channel: Sweets and Beyond
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: arroz boricuaarroz con cebolla y tocinetaarroz de puerto ricoarroz de bodasboricuapuerto ricopuerto rican cooking showcooking showcomida de puerto ricosweets and beyondarroz griegocookingtocino
Description: Hola y bienvenidos! Hoy les traigo como hacer Arroz Griego al estilo Boricua Buen Provecho! Subscribe to my channel! It's free and you will never miss an episode! Click here to subscribe: You can follow me on Facebook or Instagram ****Mailing Address**** P.O Box 721534 Orlando, FL 32872-1534 Produced by Sweetsandbeyond ©2017 All rights reserved. All embeds must live link to Sweets and Beyond's channel. No Editorial Excerpts without permission, Violators agree to pay $5,000 per second + $10 per view + all collections & lawyers fees.