Channel: ADVChina
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: us chinaadvchinacommunist party of chinatiananmen squarelaowhy86mike pompeoccpprotestsmotovlogadv podcastsliberty sculpture parkmoving to chinachinese communist partycmilkadvpodcastsadvmediahong kong protestsprc美国china podcastlife in china vlogbilibilihong kong democracyadv chinachina economy美國conquering southern chinachinachina democracywinston sterzelchinese government中国move to chinademocracy in chinaserpentza1989
Description: We were riding our motorcycles, and stumbled across a fascinating hidden gem. An oasis of Chinese freedom. The Chinese government isn't going to like this one. Our Car Channel - Worthless Whips Support us and the channel on Paypal! Consider supporting us on Patreon or becoming a member of this channel (click Join next to the subscribe button) SerpentZA: C-Milk: Our Location in this Video - Yermo, California For Motorcycle adventures around the world, and a talk-show on two wheels go to ADVChina every Monday 1pm EST ADV Podcasts - Every other Thursday at 3pm PT/6pm ET Living in China for so long, we would like to share some of the comparisons that we have found between China and the west, and shed some light on the situation. Every week, we take you to a new place in China on our bikes, cover a topic, and reply to your questions. ⚫ Watch Conquering Southern China NOW! Winston and I ride 5000 km across 5 Chinese provinces and discover crazy food, people and customs! Discount Promo Code: RIDEWITHUS ⚫Watch Conquering Northern China 10,000 km. on motorcycles across China's unexplored northern provinces. The Russian border, Inner Mongolia, and even North Korea! Tune in, hop on, and stay awesome! Music -Cartoon Feat. Jüri Pootsman - I remember u For more information on Liberty Sculpture Park -