Channel: cassetteboy
Category: Comedy
Tags: rapbankersmichael winterbottom (film director)comedycassetteboy (musical group)david camerongeorge osborne (politician)nigel farage (politician)politics (tv genre)mashup (media genre)general electionnhship hop music (musical genre)cassette boysketchsatiretax evasionrussell brand (celebrity)
Description: Firstly, please vote in the General Election. Secondly, go and see new film The Emperor's New Clothes - Lyrics: Because we're leaving them to their own devices The poorest are making all of the sacrifices - The cost of living crisis, house prices, the cost of a deposit, I don't give a shit But yes of course we should address it So we will blame the deficit on people claiming benefits And as we debate what people get from the state We don't care about how long people have to wait in A&E We don't care about your GP We have to get the money, it's important to me And as the NHS is being sold off It's businesses that get the profits in their pockets Make sure the toffs stay better off Make sure the money stops at the top Take every penny from the hands of the many And give everything to the few Where is the fairness? We couldn't care less One tax law for the rich and another for the rest And we will take interest in the very richest Let us make the poor their bitches Tax evasion is a man-made disaster These are the people I serve as Chancellor I know the answer is to fill The wallets of the rich and balance the bills On the backs of the poor. The rich pay less tax Let us make sure they don't pay any more And as my chums move their money offshore I am the one holding open the door Let us be the party that makes you cry But madness is voting for the other guy Good morning everybody Our ideas are partly fear Of people from different cultures coming here And when I hear our policies about ethnic minorities We're the only party that actually believes in social mobility Cos our ability to push migrants on a boat Is my personal priority Yes, the majority of our policies Blame people who come from other countries Employment legislation, blame immigration Excessive regulation, blame immigration Bad education, blame immigration No qualifications, blame immigration Radicalisation, blame immigration Unhappy situation, blame immigration The intimidation in our nation When we blame immigration Is a total abomination At home and abroad, we can afford to press pause And put the needle on the record Make sure the toffs stay better off Make sure the money stops at the top Take every penny from the hands of the many And give everything to the few We are not all in this together We want to help the rich get richer forever The poor will get a chance never We don't give a damn about you .