Channel: Stinnett Sticks
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: power toolsmike stinnettsnakescarvingred bellied black snakewood carvingerminevenomousdiywalking stickserpentwood workingstinnett stickseducationalhiking polecarving toolshikingstaffweaselartworkpower carvingsnake stickswhite weaseltrekking polecountry livingcarving walking sticks
Description: In this video Mike Stinnett carves a walking stick with a venomous, Australian Red Bellied Black Snake and a North American Ermine out of a single piece of wood. A special thanks to Jered Gillispie for creating his beautiful, original music for this channel. PURCHASE MUSIC FROM AMAZON Mike Stinnett and his daughter Theresa Stinnett (paid link) Jered Gillispie's fine Banjo Music (paid link) (As an Amazon Affiliate I earn fees for qualifying purchases.) *TOOL STORE (paid link) As an Amazon Affiliate I earn fees for qualifying purchases UPDATES, TIPS, TUTORIAL ON PATREON: To Help Support the Channel and get Carving Tips and Tutorials, Photo Updates on my latest carvings and walking stick projects and Behind the Scenes Videos