Channel: MotoManTV
Category: Autos & Vehicles
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Description: MotoMan sits down with Dr Philipp Skogstad, the man running Mercedes Benz North America Research & Development to discuss the UX development as well as the data generated by new cars. Along the way, Philipp provides valuable insight into how that data is used and who owns it. #Mercedes #MercedesBenz #MercedesEQXX #EQXX Subscribe AND CLICK NOTIFICATIONS now to experience our adventures in the car world. Want to see something similar to this? Mercedes EQXX TECH REVIEW @ - or - Start Up Life in the EV World @ Check out more interviews at our Members Only Playlist: Want to support our work? Easiest way to do that is to click ‘LIKE’ and we would greatly appreciate you guys sharing these episodes with your friends and tagging us on all your socials: Facebook - Twitter - Instagram – MotoMan. Storyteller of Transport, Travel & Inspired People MUSIC courtesy of the Kevin MacLeod/, Michael Bliss, Evan Schaeffer - & Jahzzar