Channel: Bored Shorts TV
Category: Comedy
Tags: entertainmentbored shorts tvvideolip syncsummerradiokaraokehumormusicboredshortscarsnippetscarpool karaokefunnysongsing-a-longcomedykid historyclean family comedywritten by kidscomedy for whole familysingkid snippetsdrivechild
Description: Randy and John are carpooling together but when John turns on the radio, they transform into pop stars! Subscribe for new videos ➜ Subscribe for new videos: Follow us on facebook: Follow us on instagram: When the radio is turned on and one of John and Randy's favorite songs come on, John and Randy can't help but go full Pop-Star. Admit it, you have a favorite song or two that you will turn up loud and turn into a diva for. Produced by Bored Shorts TV Filmed and Edited by Ryan Haldeman John Roberts Randy Roberts