Channel: LFP Gaming
Category: Gaming
Tags: gaminglostarkarpggeoblockerroramazonpcfixgeolockgamessteamlost arkguide
Description: Can't download Lost Ark? Steam giving an error when you click on 'play game'? Download not starting? Here's the fix for that error Steps: #1. Connect your PC to a VPN #2. Set the VPN location to a country like USA / UK #3. Login to Steam again (close and open again) #4. Try the download again, it should be fixed now (You can use this method to bypass the geolocking of your country, or just to fix this error when you ARE in a non-geolocked country) You can use the VPN service that I use in the video, but it costs money and there's no free trial unfortunately: (but you can use any VPN of your choice) You can support the channel at 0:00 What causes the error? 2:25 Fixing the error 5:52 It's fixed! #lostark #amazon #steam #geoblock #geolock