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Can you guess these Beatles songs in under 1 second?

Duration: 17:00Views: 873.6KLikes: 29.8KDate Created: Jun, 2021

Channel: David Bennett Piano

Category: Education

Tags: david bennettplayscoreguess the songgameagainst the clockhow fast canplay alongchallengespeedmusic theory

Description: Start learning the piano today with your free trial of Skoove: skoove.com/#a_aid=davidbennett 🎹 You may think you know The Beatles, but can you correctly identify their songs in less than one second?! Today, I'm testing my abilities to name Beatles songs after hearing just a 2 second clip, a 1 second clip and finally a ½ second clip! Let me know in the comments if you beat my score! You can stream my EP "The Longest March" at Spotify: sptfy.com/davidbennett or download it at Bandcamp: davidbennettpiano.bandcamp.com And, an extra special thanks goes to Vidad Flowers, Ivan Pang, Waylon Fairbanks, Jon Dye, Austin Russell, Christopher Ryan, Toot & Paul Peijzel, the channel’s Patreon saints! 😇 SUPPORT ME ON PATREON: patreon.com/davidbennettpiano 🎹

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