Channel: Mitten Squad
Category: Gaming
Tags: borderlands challengecan youcan you beat borderlands with every gunmittensquadborderlandsborderlands 1canborderlands mitten squadborderlands every weapon challengeiammittencan you beat borderlandscan you beatcan you beat borderlands withmitten squad borderlandsborderlands challenge runmitten squadcan you beat borderlands 1
Description: For most of your time spent paying Borderlands, you’ll be using the best weapons you find, sticking to only the top tier guns to carry you through the game until they’re so overworked the trigger turns to dust as its pulled. But what if you wanted to use as many weapons as you possibly could? Can You Beat Borderlands By Using Every Weapon You Find? Mitten Squad Discord link: Mitten.Land Thumbnail art made by: Check out some of my other videos if you liked this one: Can You Beat Bioshock With Only A Wrench?: Can You Beat Fallout 4 Without A Pip-Boy?: Can You Beat Skyrim With Only A Fork?: Can You Beat Fallout 3 as a Baby?: Can You Beat Skyrim By Only Using Shouts?: Can You Beat Fallout 4 With Only A Commie Whacker?: Can You Beat Borderlands 2 By Using Every Weapon You Find?: Can You Beat Borderlands Without Using A Shield?: Can You Beat Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Without An Oz Kit?: Twitter: Can You Beat Borderlands By Using Every Weapon You Find? (in text form) Because this is a violent video game for toddlers and not a choose your on adventure book, the only decision the collective us has to make is which character to play as. You can make any weapon type work with any class, it’s not like you’ll be locked out of using shotguns because you were stupid and didn’t pick the siren. My extensive research including and limited to remembering the last time I played through this game revealed to me that Roland was the right character mainly because as a soldier his fingers know their way around a fire’s arm. Now that we’ve finally graduated from the tutorial and gotten my first gun, I can explain how this works. It works the way you think it does. If I find a new weapon, I use it until I find another gun. Same goes for shields, grenade mods, and class mods. The only part of this that may stretch your brain is chests. To make this simpler for all involved parties, when dealing with multiple items, whether that’s from an opened chest or a boss killed, I can pick any single item from the bunch. Trying to swap between items to really use as many as possible would be annoying. As I struggled immensely to conquer this jump, nothing happened, but moments later, Claptrap was down for the count. Sadly, she's the Tony Stark of the Borderlands 1 Mitten Squad Cinematic Universe. Early on, getting new weapons is a treat and a delight, and if ur parents raised you right you'd know that means they should be RARE. Killing Bandits for money now, I've gotten pretty good at this "put crosshair on bad guy, press button, win" thing. And if you're worried that there aren't enough new guns yet, considering brute forcing those thoughts into what I'm demonstrating now. Think about what's happening and you'll get it. My point being, there are many times where it felt like I was playing Gun Game, with every life I extinguished a new toy emerged from their body only for me to get bored with it moments later when a fresh distraction revealed itself.