Channel: Tigerfield
Category: Gaming
Tags: cod vanguard release weaponscod vanguard unlock all weaponsmodsgun soundscod vanguard skinscod vanguard gun soundscod vanguard weaponscod vanguard dlc weaponsreload animationscod vanguard gunscod vanguard final weaponscod vanguard new weaponscod vanguard weapons showncod vanguard all reload animationsimfdbbattle pass weapons
Description: 0:00 HANDGUNS 1:17 SHOTGUNS 2:43 SMGs 4:46 Assault RIFLES 7:15 Marksman RIFLES 8:13 Sniper RIFLES 9:30 MACHINE GUNS 11:19 LAUNCHERS Weapon Showcase playlist: Call of Duty playlist: Rainbow Six playlist: BATTLEFIELD playlist: --------- All content from this video and this channel is recorded and edited exclusively by me. I NEVER use clips or any kind of content from someone else. If you're asking how many video games I have, well, maybe over 250.