Channel: French Tomahawk
Category: Gaming
Tags: fallout 4 broadsiderfallout 4 op pirate buildluckfallout 4 overpowered buildfallout 4 broadsider buildfallout 76fallout epic musicfallout 4 skillfallout 4 epic battlefallout 4fallout 3fallout 4 insaneownagefalloutfallout 4 overhaul modsfallout 4 overpowered earlyfallout 4 funny montageopsurvivalfallout 4 op broadsider buildfallout 4 epic momentsfallout 4 stealth buildfallout 4 crazy modsbuildfallout 4 op piratefallout 4 hilarious
Description: Streaming everyday at 1pm PST/13:00GMT Subscribe: Consider supporting me on Patreon - even $1 can go a long way: Twitter: Facebook: Music in order of Appearance: Coconut Mall - Mario Kart Wii Pirates - The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker Gangplank Galleon - SSBU Sea Shanty 2 - OSRS SPECIAL STR 5 PER 4 END 1 CHR 3 INT 9 AGI 1 LCK 5 Perks: 2. Idiot Savant 3. Lone Wanderer 4. Gunslinger 5. Gun Nut 6. Strong Back 7. Gunslinger II 8. Chemist 9. STR 10. Big Guns 11. Idiot Savant II 12. Strong Back II 13. Gun Nut II 14. Explosive Expert 15.Gunslinger III 16. Chemist II 17. Lone Wanderer II 18. Big Guns II 19. Explosive Expert II