Channel: WordPress Tutorials - WPLearningLab
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Description: In this second part to our Hostinger series I'm going to show you how to build a WordPress site on Hostinger using popular tools like the Astra Theme, Elemenetor and WooCommerce. If you follow along, you will have a website up and running by the end of this tutorial. //* Check out Hosting here: Coupon Code for major discounts (91% off on all yearly hosting plans): WPLEARNINGLAB Grab your free 17-Point WordPress Launch Checklist PDF: Always backup your site just in case (or use a staging site), here's how: Join our private Facebook group today! //* Here are 20+ reasons why I host all my sites with SiteGround: //* Post videos of your WordPress success using the hashtag #WPLLCommunity! Get on the Unofficial Ultimate Guide To Elementor course waiting list here (no obligation): Here's the link for Elementor Pro (aff): I hope this information helps you! If you have any questions leave a comment below or ping me @WPLearningLab on Twitter. WP Learning Lab Channel: