Channel: Siraj Raval
Category: Education
Tags: ethereumsirajdapppolygonblockchainweb3lending protocoldefisiraj raval
Description: DeFi is getting more and more attention lately. There are 1000s of DeFi apps that are being built by developers all around the world to provide the underserved to access to financial applications like lending, insurance, and earning. In this tutorial video, I'll show you how to build your own simple DeFi lending app that lets a user deposit Eth as collateral, and get stablecoin in return. They can also repay the stablecoin and get their collateral back. This is an ethereum application, but to avoid high gas fees and slow transaction times, we'll use the Polygon blockchain. Code for this video: Coding challenge (Due Date: 12 December 2021): Post your simple DeFi app to Twitter, Instagram, or facebook with the hashtag #BuiltWithPolygon Learn more about Polygon: Web 3.0 Explained: Ethereum Explained: Follow me: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: LINKEDIN: Please subscribe for more programming videos! That's what keeps me going.