Channel: Keith Fenner
Category: Education
Tags: plasma cutterrepairlatheline boringbellskeith fennercadgrindingmarine propulsiondrill pressmechanicmetal latheold school bellbroachingtoolsturn wrightmachine worksbridgeport millcncmetal workingw306pp3heliarcmachinistmillingtig weldingbridgeporttappingweldingfabricationworkshopdrillingdrillboringcnc machinemachine shopmachiningstrutsturningjob shopplasmak&t #2 plainer millfenner
Description: Buffy’s Back Part Nine, hard to believe we tore down buffy back in 2017, moved it to a new shop and now we are putting it back together, clean and with repaired or replaced parts and adding a few new accessories. In Part Nine we finish the auto feed and trip mechanism for the quill feed, then focus on the installation of bushings in the vari speed pulleys. #LETSGOSUCKITBURGER My MeWe; Cheers, Keith