Channel: Keith Fenner
Category: Education
Tags: plasma cutterrepairlatheline boringbellskeith fennercadgrindingmarine propulsiondrill pressmechanicmetal latheold school bellbroachingtoolsturn wrightmachine worksbridgeport millcncmetal workingheliarcmachinistmillingtig weldingbridgeporttappingweldingfabricationworkshopdrillingdrillboringcnc machinemachine shopmachiningstrutsturningjob shopplasmak&t #2 plainer millfenner
Description: Today we start back on the refurbishing of our 1970 Bridgeport mill, all starting with replacing the spindle bearings. We pick back up where we were, tearing down so we can clean inspect and paint it before putting it together, this Part in out series we remove the table and slide from the knee of the mill. To watch and keep up on all my short clips and pic that use to be on Facebook, go to my MeWe site.