Channel: Gordo Drummer
Category: Music
Tags: buskingfunky drumminggordobucket drum trickseast coast bucket drummernew bucket drummingawesome bucket drummingstompstreet beatsbucket drummingclasspearlbucket and cymbalmapexbest drummer everbucket beatsbucketssolo2020rhythmstreet drumsthe drummer gordodrummerbucketgordo drumsdrums (musical instrument)street percussiontamagordo bucketshigh hat groovebuskerbonhamdrumslessons
Description: We are in 2020 now! This year I really want to add new beats and tricks to my repertoire. I have been recycling the same stuff a bit too long! This time I was just gradually blending new ideas and beats into the stuff I normally play and was trying new stuff so its a bit messy. Enjoy! I post short clips on Instagram and Twitter as well! Hire me here: #bucketdrumming2020 #bucketdrumming #thedrummergordo #streetdrumming