Channel: kNIGHTWING01
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: dc flimsdc muitiverse filmsdceubatgirl suitbatman dceu keatonbatman newsbatgirl movie leaksflash moviebatgirlflash movie leaksthe batmanrumorflashpointmichael keaton returnsbatgirl leakssyndercutkeaton batmanknightwing01keaton dceubatfleckbatgirl movie suitflashpoint moviebatman dceubatmanflash leakskeaton bruce waynefirst look at batgirlbatgirl newskeatonbatman michael keaton
Description: BATGIRL First Look at Leslie Grace Batgirl Suit. Donning a Costume straight out of DC Comics Batgirl at Burnside. A Functional Jacket Suit with the classic Purple Colors of the 1960s Costume. No Keaton or Robin leaks just yet. Image Curtesy of LG's Instagram. Batgirl is RUMORED to be from the New Earth timeline created by Barry Allen at the End of Flashpoint. Dick Grayson is rumored to appear and set up a Nightwing Spin off and Keaton will become a Mentor to Babs in the Batgirl Movie. ROBIN Batgirl Set Leak - Caped Crusader gets GREAT Writer - Flash Plot Leaks Damage Control - Why Keaton Quit Batman 3- Welcome to BatNews the Audio Podcast for all things BATMAN in videogames, Comics, Tv, Animation and Movies. ● Pateron - ● Twitter - ● Twitch - ● Facebook - ● Instagram - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JUST what are the FLASH Leaks? * Batman & Superman replaced by Female SideKicks * Keaton performance like Luke in TLJ * New Justice League Created with Shazam, Supergirl and Flash * Zack Synder Films erased from continuity * Keaton steps down as Batman in Batgirl Movie * Female Trinity Wonder Woman, Batgirl and Supergirl * Barry Allen is the Villian of the Story * Multiverse merged into 1 Earth like Infinite Crisis #TheBatman #Batgirl #Robin #Flash #Batman #RestoreTheSnyderVerse