Channel: The Brainwave Hub - Sleep, Focus, Mindfulness
Category: Music
Tags: binaural beatsbinaural beats brain synchronizationhemisphere synchronizationambient soundscapesbrain hemisphere synchronizationbinaural beats meditationrhythmic entrainmentbrainwave entrainmentsound therapy
Description: It's been a while since we provided an audio specifically geared towards brain hemisphere synchronization. The last one we released years back proved quite popular but we never followed it up. So here we present to you what I think is one of the most powerful binaural beats meditation audios we've released....but you can be the judge of that. It would really mean a lot to us if you could subscribe and drop us a comment below letting us know what you think of this audio. Also please consider sharing with your friends. Below you'll find a more detailed analysis of the brain's functions, but to sum up the potential benefits of meditation and rhythmic entrainment (aka. 'brainwave entrainment') in balancing the brain's hemispheric activity: ✓ The creation and strengthening of new neural pathways within the brain. ✓ Increased cognitive function, aiding in the development of memory, focus and learning. ✓ An optimization of emotional and mental health We can actually measure hemispheric synchronization and see it occur in graphic form with an instrumented called a Neuromapper. The Brainwave Hub helps you safely alter your brain waves though ambient soundscapes and sound frequencies. When you hear these through stereo headphones or speakers (centrally aligned), your brain produces a third sound called a 'binaural beat'** which induces the desired brainwave activity. Binaural beats can help you achieve this state of brainwave coherence a lot quicker. **Actually, with speakers you get what's called a 'monaural' beat which is equally useful as a rhythmic entrainment tool. ___SPECS___ Alpha wave frequencies between 8-11.5hz. In two minute increments. ___INSTRUCTIONS___ Daily use breeds better results than listening sporadically....meditation creates meaningful change quicker than you might think. Listen for at least two weeks, emptying your mind of thought, or simply observing your thoughts without attachment. It can help to focus on your breath to stop the mind from wondering. Give your body and mind the chance to 'just be' for up to half an hour a day. ___BRAIN STRUCTURE___ The brain's cerebral hemispheres consist of both a right and left hemisphere. These regions of the brain communicate with each other through a busy network of up to 250 million nerve fibres that make up the 'corpus callosum'. Each hemisphere of the brain is responsible for a certain set of behavioural tendencies. Because most people predominantly use one hemisphere to a greater extent, this creates some-what of an imbalance. The corpus callosum can be greatly stimulated through the practice of mindfulness meditation. Consistent practice of mindfulness results in the proliferation of new neural pathways which result in a both hemispheres being able to communicate with each other to a larger degree. The brain consists of 3 parts: ① The cerebrum, ② Cerebellum ③ Brain stem. ◢ CEREBRUM This is the largest part of the brain and is involved in problem solving, thinking, memory, and movement. ◢ CEREBELLUM The cerebellum, often called "the little brain" is located at the rear of the brain, beneath the cerebrum. This part of the brain is responsible for the coordination of voluntary movements. ◢ THE BRAIN STEM The brain stem is a small component of the brain and is located below the cerebrum, to the front of the cerebellum. It connects the brain to the spinal cord and controls automous functions within the organism such as heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and also digestion. ◢ THE FOUR LOBES Each side of the brain is divided into four lobes: → The frontal lobe is involved in in reasoning, motor control, emotion, and language. → The temporal lobe is located on the bottom part of the brain. The primary auditory cortex is located here, which interprets auditory stimulus and language. The hippocampus, also located within the temporal lobe, is responsible for the formation of memories. → The occipital lobe is located at the rear of the brain and interprets visual information via the retinas. → The parietal lobe is located in the middle part of the brain and processes tactile information such as pressure, touch and pain. ◢ THE TWO HEMISPHERES → The right hemisphere is holisitic in nature and governs non-linear thought, creative expression, visualization, spacial abilities, face-recognition and the control of emotional processing. → The left hemisphere is the orderly, logical, and 'linear' side of the brain and is responsible for the organization and analysis of information. It is mathematical, linguistic, analytical in nature, scientific, and based on time oriented thinking strategies. - ◢ SUBSCRIBE for more rhythmic entrainment (aka brainwave entrainment), Sound Therapy & Binaural Beats Brain Synchronization audios: Don’t forget to click the bell icon to stay notified. ◢ Facebook: ◢ MP3 Store: