Channel: Films&Stuff
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: films & stuffwarcraftbox officethe legend of tarzanghostbusters (2016)ben hurbox office bombsalice through the looking glasshuntsman winters warsummer 2016 boxofficebox office flopthe bfgindependence day resurgence
Description: 2016 has been a scary year at the box office with there being more box office bombs than hits. While I don't think we should shout at the mountain tops that the end is nigh, I do think the numbers are very concerning. Here I discuss the trends at the box office as of late, and how to ensure that the mega tentpole you are releasing doesn't flop. Music: It's Not Working - Daniel Pemberton Technically, Missing - Trent Reznor Pieces From the Whole - Trent Reznor I Might Be Wrong - RadioHead Money - Pink Floyd