Channel: Blues Guitar Unleashed
Category: Entertainment
Tags: blues guitar lessonspentatonic scaleblues guitar lessonblues soloing over chord changesblues scaleguitar lessongriff hamlinhow to play blues guitarblues guitar unleashedblues guitar scalesblues solo guitar lesson
Description: I get this all the time... "I want to improve my blues soloing..." Yeah, I get that, but exactly *how* do you intend to do that? And, what is "improved" going to be like? If you have no way to evaluate where you are now, and no way to define where you want to go, it's unlikely you're going to get "there" (wherever "there" is.) Website - Premium Courses, Jam Tracks, and Songs - All Access Pass - "How To Jam" Guidebook (PDF) - The "4 Note Solo" Mini Course - Hope you dig the video!