Channel: Blanca
Category: Music
Tags: shatteredbrokenchurchovercomemomair1kloveccmchristian popamor realcomfortchristian musicblancablanca reyesjesusmusicchristianreal lovecancergroup 1 crewrisegodworshiphurt
Description: As many of you may know I went through some real valleys in the process of losing my mom to cancer. I had an opportunity to sit and reflect on one of my last encounters and conversations with her, and that conversation became a catalyst for writing a song called “Real Love”. The Lord used those moments with my mom to guide me to the conclusion that HE is all we need. This world has trained us to self-sustain, to better ourselves, to check the boxes off in an effort to “be good enough”. But there is no good enough! Christ came to do for us what we could never, ever do on our own. I mention in the video, that a dear friend sent me a song called “The Inheritance” in which Graham Cooke shares perfectly beautiful words that met me right where I was. I’m so thankful for them, for the life-giving power of words and music, for friends who step in and intercede, and for a God that lavishes REAL LOVE. He loves you … Because He Loves You. Stream/Download 'Shattered,' featuring "Real Love" here: