Channel: jacknjellify
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: long videosbattle for bfdiidfbbfdianimated showbattle for dream islandbfdiabfb
Description: PART TWO is here! It's February 22, 2022, which is a Tuesday! So many twos. can Two themselves handle it? Let's find out. I uploaded "Part 1" at 2:00 PM UTC and "Part 2" at 2:55 PM UTC. So that is within one hour of Part 1 being uploaded, as promised! :) CREDITS Written by Cary Huang (@Humany ) VOICE ACTING Pin, Spongy, and Tennis Ball by Cary Huang Two by Niall Burns (@XanyLeaves ) Eraser, Coiny, Bubble, and Four by Michael Huang (@fernozzle ) AUDIO EDITING Braden Whiteside (@legotd61 ), Sutton H. (@YellowAngiru ), and Cary Huang ANIMATION Satomi (@Satomi from real life ), Cormac Oliver (@Cornmac Olive ), Anthony Acedo (@FusionAnimations ), Joseph Pak (@TTGuy10000 ), Aiden Gomez (@CaptainCoolAG ), Sutton H. (@YellowAngiru ), and Cary Huang THUMBNAIL Thumbnail created by @FusionAnimations MUSIC Music ("Fig Leaf Times Two", "Living Voyage", and "Farting Around") by Kevin MacLeod (, licensed under the Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 license (