Channel: Lauren Babic
Category: Music
Tags: abletonred handed denialrecordingreaperlauren babic covervocal recordinglauren babiccrazyeightyeightvocal gearlauren babic coverspro toolsrecording on reaperfemale vocalrecording vocalsvocalslaurenbabicvocal recording equipmentrecording equipment
Description: ⚙️ LB. Approved Gear List ➵ 🦁 Connect with Lauren! Instagram ➵ Twitter ➵ TikTok ➵ Facebook ➵ Spotify ➵ Discord Server ➵ 🎸 Lauren's Bands! Red Handed Denial ➵ CrazyEightyEight ➵ 🏆 Support the Channel! Patreon ➵ Merch ➵ My Sweetwater Store ➵ ✉️ Write to me here! LAUREN BABIC NEWMARKET SOUTH P.O. P.O. BOX 71006 NEWMARKET, ONTARIO, L3X 1Y8 CANADA A special thank you to my Patrons 🏆 Ellice, Kyle S., Jay, Baylee, Peighton K., Kristina R., Corey, Akusiaxx, Al H., Alesha, Alexander, Alistair L., Amanda F., Amaury, Andrew, Andre, Anthony G., Arexz, Ashley, Brandon, Bart, Becca, Brook N., Bret, Brian, Cameron J., Chris, Chris N., Cid, Corey, Connor, Dakota, Dallas, Dan H., Daniel J., Daniel, Dany, Dave T., deathrange07, Dennis, Devin, Don, Dustin S., Deion, Dustin W., Eduardo G., Eric S., Ethan, Evelyn, Felicia, Frank R., George P., Kim, Keith, Jason K., Jameson, Jan, Jeff L., John L., John V., JoJo W., Jon B., Jonas K., Jonathan, Josh, Jorn, Joy T., Justin L., Laure W., Leo, Leon T., Levi, Luke, Luke C., Marius, Meriam, Mii, Mike, Micah, Michael A., Molli, Nathaniel, Neil B., Niels, Nicholas B., Nicholas R., Patrick, Patrick K., Paul, Prismatic Black, Rebekah, Reid R., Russell J., Salliko, Sam, Sean B., Sebastian, Shay R., Snorri, Steven O., Stormy K., Tanner S., Taylor M., The Other Manus, Tim, Trace, Travis N., Travis, Tyler, Victor, Vanessa, Will C., William E., Yves, and Zack L.! #vocalgear #homerecording #laurenbabic