Channel: Rob Stuart
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: tatzikibacon recipeeczema foodseczema dietlow carb mealsugar freetatziki sauce recipelow carb dipping sauceanimal based dietno sugarhigh fat low carbzero carb saucethe best dipping sauce for baconcarnivore dietwhat to dip bacon inketo saucebacon dipping saucecarnivore saucefat basedketo recipemeat healsrob stuart
Description: The only things better than bacon, is bacon dipped in healthy home made Tatziki. Trust me, its bacon heaven :) #shorts -Sign up for On Line coaching with Rob - Three Phases Workbook (step by step guide for customizing your diet and naturally healing your skin) - My favorite Probiotic ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: the opinions expressed by Rob Stuart are for educational and informational purposes only, and are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment or as a substitute for medical care.