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AYO TRIPPIE REDD...when rappers get caught being sus🤣

Duration: 08:04Views: 212.2KLikes: 6.9KDate Created: Apr, 2022

Channel: Smoove Barfour

Category: People & Blogs

Tags: when rappers get cuaght being susadin ross sus rappersadin ross sus raprappers sus songstrippie reddadin ross sussussmooverappers sus funnyrappers sus dancerappers caught being susrappers suspect momentsrappers sus barsextrasmooverappers sus momentsbarfourrappers sus freestylerappers susextra smoovedrake susdrake sus momentrappers sus lyricssmoovebarfourrappers being sussmoove barfour

Description: why trippie redd looking kinda good tho?! when rappers get caught being sus... If you enjoyed this video and want to see more videos like this, be sure to smash the like button and subscribe! Also Be sure to follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat: @smoovebarfour Twitter: twitter.com/SmooveBarfour Instagram: instagram.com/smoovebarfour Snapchat: snapchat.com/add/smooveba... family friendly pg clean

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