Channel: Smoove Barfour
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: rappers last words before they died tiktokrappers last words before they died shortsrappers last words before deathextrasmoovebarfourrappers last wordsfamous rappers last words before they diedfamous last wordsextra smoovefamous rappers lastking vonsmoovebarfourxxxtentacionsmoove barfoursmooverappers last words before they diedtupac last wordstupac last words to cop
Description: YO...I saw this TikTok about Famous Rappers Last Words before they passed away. I felt like some of the information from these TikToks was wrong, so today I'll find out what the true details were! If you enjoyed this video and want to see more videos like this, be sure to smash the like button and subscribe! Also Be sure to follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat: @smoovebarfour Twitter: Instagram: Snapchat: family friendly pg clean