Channel: Tale Foundry
Category: Education
Tags: writing motivationwriting vlogstudy vlogworld anvilinfo dumpstudytubenanowrimomaid and butler dialogueliteraturerobert mckeewriting excuseswriting noteswriting a novelfantasy bookstale foundryauthortubeinfodumpsfantasybooktubeinfo dumpswriting advicewriterswriting tipscreative writingworldbuildingebookinfo-dumpsworld buildinghow to writeplot structureexpositionbrandon sandersonworld-buildingjenna moreci
Description: WORLD ANVIL ➤ Follow the link about and sign up for a guild membership using the code TALEFOUNDRY to save 20%! "How do I tell the audience about my world without losing their attention?" It's a question pretty much every writers asks at some point in their career. If you find yourself vomiting up pages' worth of information to catch your audience up, this discussion could potentially be a good starting place for you... ▬▬▬▬ Credit/Attributions ▬▬▬▬ For a complete list of all sources used in all videos, please visit our Comprehensive Content Sources document: This video is brought to you in part by Bigstock, an exclusive source of Royalty Free footage for your creative needs: Additional Music by Epidemic Sound: ▬▬▬▬ What is Tale Foundry? ▬▬▬▬ If fiction were a material, we would be its manufacturing plant. We take apart stories to see what makes them tick, then recycle what we find to create our own. Because understanding how fiction works is complicated and making use of that knowledge is even harder, we like to stretch our topics across three-part series. We create an analytical starter episode, a list full of interesting facts and ideas, and end with a short story that makes use of everything we learned. Episodes ➤ Lists ➤ Stories ➤ ▬▬▬▬ Support Us▬▬▬▬ Our videos will always be available on Youtube for free, but there's extra content waiting on our Patreon for those who choose to support us! For instance: • Progress Updates — Get weekly updates on what the team is doing while you wait for the next video! • Voting — Join our other patrons to decide on which topic we'll be covering series by series! • Forge Sessions — Join the Tale Foundry team for an exclusive discussion about what we're working on, and help us figure out how best to do it! You can see more at ▬▬▬▬ Past Series ▬▬▬▬ • View all of our past series here: ▬▬▬▬ Tale Foundry Team ▬▬▬▬ • Talebot — the talent • The Taleoids — the talent's helpers • Benjamin Cook — writer/channel founder • Felipé de Barros — artist • Eric Dziver — research assistant/editor • Bazz Bartlett — audio editor