Channel: Sauce Stache
Category: Education
Tags: vegan meat taste testair fryer calzoneseitab taste testvegan protienloma lindavegan food taste testcompanion foodcompanion foodsseiten taste testloma linda hotdogscanned meatloma linda burgersfake meatvegan protien taste testtaste testvegan canned meatvegan meatcompanion foods seitansauce stache
Description: Head over to and check out their HUGE selection of vegan &. vegetarian meats and treats! I wanted to do another vegan meat taste test! Its been a while, but this time I wanted to test fake meats from a can! There are a lot on the market but I did my shopping and found some peoples favorites (some of my favorites too) and gave them a try with Monica and my new camera person Caitlin from @CleanCookingwithCaitlin We tested some canned meats from Loma Linda and from Companion brand foods! I picked them all up from Making Vegan Meat - The plant based food science cook book available now My Amazon store!! This is an affiliate link! - JOIN the SauceSquad - to print recipes and merchandise!!! The goal of SauceStache is to continue trying something new, something new to me and something different. I find inspirations from you the SauceSquad and my constant hunt of social media to see what food is being made around the globe and how can I try to make it. Lets try to make some food and have fun!!