Channel: Video Game Animation Study
Category: Gaming
Tags: gamestudyanimation analysisthe roomprofessor laytonbioshockvideominitinsidedan rootdan root hostvideo game animation studymega man 11monument valleyvideo essayanimated video game reviewvideo game designi love hueretro gamesartvideo game analysisanimated video game analysisanimation studyvideo game reviewsgame designthe witnessanimationlara croft gotomb of the maskdonut countylimbo
Description: Sure, you can play Spider-Man and Red Dead Redemption 2, but have you played Donut County? Let's look at if the absence of animation has any benefits in puzzle games. Music: 00:02 - Run, Jump, Throw 2 - Super Mario Odyssey 00:52 - Smash Hit Checkpoints 0-4 02:02 - Menu - Sonic the Hegdehog iOS 04:25 - Tadtone Trial - Skyward Sword 06:54 - Lazy River - Donut County You can support me on