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Tags: प्राणीజూ జంతువులుsuper fun reviewsપ્રાણીઓcowwild animalsचिड़ियाघर के जानवरஉயிரியல் பூங்கா விலங்குகள்zoológico de animalesप्राणीसंग्रहालयবন্য প্রানীchinese animalsindonesian animalszooanimals#animal#lionzoo animalsઝૂ પ્રાણીઓअफ्रीकी जानवरजंगली जानवरindian animalslionजानवरोंপ্রাণীజంతువులుanimalesচিড়িয়াখানা জন্তুleopardasian animalsanimaisgiraffeanimalআফ্রিকান প্রাণীbig cat week 2019விலங்குகள்elephantafrican animals
Description: NEW African Animals - Lion, Leopard, Cheetah, Elephant, Zebra, Giraffe, Rhino, Buffalo, Camel, Bongo, Waterbuck, Warthog, Civet, Ostrich, Secretary Bird, Caracal, Black Footed Cat, Jungle Cat 13+. Featuring new wild zoo animals and big cats from Botswana in Africa ❤️ enjoy! Subtitles in English 🎤 #animal #lion #Africananimals 🔥WARNING: This video is suitable for viewers aged 13+. This educational video includes some descriptive language about animal reproduction and uses words like mate, conception, copulation, male mounts the female from behind, barbed end of the male's penis and multiple copulations. Elephants use some vocalisations that are beyond the hearing range of humans, to communicate across large distances. Elephant mating rituals include the gentle entwining of trunks Leopards are ambush predators; they crouch low to sneak up to their prey and pounce with one swift bite to the neck, breaking it. In Africa, lions and packs of hyenas or wild dogs can kill leopards. Leopards go to great lengths to avoid these predators, hunting at different times and often pursuing different prey than their competitors, and resting in trees to keep from being noticed Using prehensile tongues almost half a metre long, giraffes are able to browse foliage almost six metres from the ground. Giraffes are a common sight in grasslands and open woodlands. Members of the rhinoceros family are some of the largest remaining megafauna, with all species able to reach or exceed one tonne in weight. The great wildebeest and zebra migration lead them on a search for the most nutritious grasses as the seasons change and watering holes dry up. The cheetah is a large cat native to Africa and central Iran. It is the fastest land animal, having several adaptations for speed, including a light build, long thin legs and a long tail. The cheetah lives in three main social groups, females and their cubs, male "coalitions" and solitary males. While females lead a nomadic life searching for prey in large home ranges, males are more sedentary and may instead establish much smaller territories in areas with plentiful prey and access to females. African Buffalo - can inhabit practically any habitat with permanent water and grass - they can weigh up to weigh 1,000 kg जानवर, পশু, प्राणी, జంతువు, விலங்கு, પ્રાણી, جانور, ಪ್ರಾಣಿ, ପଶୁ, മൃഗം, ਜਾਨਵਰ, जनावर, සත්ව, 动物, животное, حيوان،, satwa, thú vật, hayop, สัตว์, जानवरों, প্রাণী, प्राणी, விலங்குகள், జంతువులు, પ્રાણીઓ, animales, animais, सिंह, সিংহ, सिंह, సింహం, சிங்கம், સિંહ, León, Leão, Leone, สิงโต, sư tử, 사자, ライオン, leu, aslan, أسد, 獅子, lionne, Löwe, singa, leone, Lew, leão, ਸ਼ੇਰ, leeu, løve, leon, leijona, ljón, ಸಿಂಹ, libaax, lejon, ibhubesi हाथी, হাতি, हत्ती, ఏనుగు, யானை, હાથી, ہاتھی, ಆನೆ, ହାତୀ, ആന, ਹਾਥੀ, हात्ती, तेंदुए, চিতাবাঘ, बिबट्या, చిరుత, சிறுத்தை, ચિત્તો, गैंडा, গণ্ডার, गेंडा, ఖడ్గమృగం, காண்டாமிருகம், ગેંડા, ज़ेबरा, জেব্রা, झेब्रा, జీబ్రా, வரிக்குதிரை, ઝેબ્રા, चिड़ियाघर, চিড়িয়াখানা, प्राणीसंग्रहालय, జూ, உயிரியல் பூங்கா, પ્રાણી સંગ્રહાલય, jardim zoológico, kebun binatang, สวนสัตว์, چڑیا گھر चिड़ियाघर के जानवर, চিড়িয়াখানা জন্তু, प्राणीसंग्रहालय, జూ జంతువులు, உயிரியல் பூங்கா விலங்குகள், ઝૂ પ્રાણીઓ, حيوانات الحديقة, mga hayop sa zoo, animaux de zoo, Zoo Tiere, My latest and best 13+ Mixed animals 13+ Indian animals 13+ Indonesian animals 13+ Chinese animals 13+ Asian animals 13+ Big cats and wild zoo animals 13+ Big cats 13+ Big cat week wild zoo animals 13+ African animals13+ North American animals 13+ Sea animals 13+ Farm Animals Some background Photos and Videos are Public Domain and some are copyright protected and used with full written permission of the copyright owner. SFX from and Licensed under CC: By Attribution 3.0 © All rights reserved SuperFunReviews 2021 ❣ Please Subscribe ❣ Please Subscribe (my new channel for kids)