Channel: Lo Lo Kids
Category: Entertainment
Tags: alligatortoddlerspandaanimals funforestmonkeyfunny animalsanimals for kidssafarianimals for kindergartensnakeanimals kidswild animalsanimals for kids to learntortoiseschleichpolar bearcamelanimals in zooanimals for childrenat the zoosafafafafafafari ltdbearzooanimalsforest animal toysfunnykidszoo animalstoyslearn animalstigerliongiraffefunny zoo animalsjunglepreschool learning funanimals funny videoelephant
Description: Kids, let's feed animals with the little girl in the Zoo! Fun Kids Video is waiting for you right now! You will meet different wild and domestic animals! Moreover, you will learn how to feed them! Yaroslava will not only introduce to you zoo animals but also, she will show exciting outdoor swings and attractions! Enjoy new videos on our channel every day! Our team: Producer: Kushnir Vitaly Artist: Kushnir Yaroslava Music: Yuliia Mozharova, Lavrenko Serhii Singer: Duplyakina Vitalyna Cameraman: Kushnir Vitaly Copyright: SeeZis Media Our friends: BuBuDu Kids: Facebook: Share this video: Subscribe to my channel: