Channel: Mr. Hacker
Category: Entertainment
Tags: dominoscolortop 2019mathematicsexperimentsmr hackerdomino tricksdominoes with bricksexplainedamazingdominoesmrhackerdominomiss hackerbrickdomino chain reactionmr. hackermr blackdouble dominodomino tutorialoddly satisfyingreactiondomino effectrobots domino scenetricks50 brickschain reactionbrick effectbrick double domino effectmini dominodomino rowbrick dominomrhack2019mr.hackereffecttrikcsgeometry
Description: Hello from Mr. Hacker & Team! What happens If you use glass, ping pong, color water and balls as dominoes? In today's video we want to show you how to make amazing color water glass domino effect with different glass and color water, ping pong and color balls were used in this experiment. You get a second wave going in the opposite direction. An incredible chain of reaction was achieved. Enjoy the beautiful art! Pleasant viewing! If you like this video don't forget to Subscribe and Click 🔔 Music: 1. Can't Get Enough of the Weekend (Instrumental Version) - Mindme 2. Be Your Girlfriend (Instrumental Version) - Lil' Loca