Channel: flickin facts
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: uncontacted amazon tribe 2015amazon rainforest factstop 10amazon tribesamazing factsamazon rainforest animalsis amazon bigamazonamazon jungleflickinfactsamazon riveris amazon forest dangerousflickin factstribeamazoniauncontacted peoplesamazon rainforestrainforestuncontacted amazon tribesahara desertjungleamazon forest
Description: The dust from Sahara Desert is blwon all the way to Amazon rainforest and feed it? Also did you know Amazon Rainforest, is also known as Amazonia? It is located in South America and is the world’s largest tropical rainforest. This Amazing rainforest has some mind blowing facts that we bet you did not know. So here's a top 10 on it. Enjoy, like and subscribe!