Channel: TheCineScaper
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: the cine scapernature aquariumaquarium plantsnanoco2nano tank co2freshwater tankthecinescaperthe cinescaperfishtankaquascapingsodastream cylinder systemnano co2 systemnanotanknano aquariumtanknano tankaquarium co2aquascapecinescaperaquascaperaquarium setupplanted tankfishkeepingaquarium co2 systemaquariumplanted aquariumcanon 1dx mk ii canonnano aquariumsfish
Description: TheCineScaper liquid fertilizer: Many of you have asked what type of CO2 system do I use for nano aquariums, so in this video I’ll show you the installation of my favourite CO2 set. My brand new Easy Scape Guide Ebook is available for FREE! __________ For nano tanks the Sodastream cylinder system is more suitable than a 5kg CO2 system. The Sodastream is cheap and ideal for these type of aquariums. Obviously on the long run, the 5 kg (or bigger) CO2 system is best worth it. I suggest you choose an adapter that also includes a valve, it will save you from going crazy. Be careful, a bad gasket can empty a 400gr cylinder very quickly. Keep an eye on it! You can find a pressure regulator for $10 but I don’t recommend it. Sometimes they are small and attractive, but most of the cases it’s impossible to adjust the amount of gas. Either the gas doesn’t flow or it flows too fast. I recommend a more expensive regulator, even with one, that has 2 stages, so you can adjust the amount of gas more easily. I prefer the drop checker instead of using a bubble counter. At first, I cautiously open the gas valve a bit and keep watching. Few hours later if the liquid in the drop checker is green, everything is alright. The blue color means the amount of gas is not enough, the yellow means it is too much. Setting up is quite a time-consuming job, but it’s worth. In this video I try to share as much useful information as possible. Long story short, if you choose the Sodastream cylinder, you will make a good deal. I think this bottle is enough even for a 60 litre aquarium, and there is no need to change the bottle frequently. It’s enough for months in a nano tank, of course not on full speed. It also have an additional advantage, that the cylinder can be changed almost everywhere. Pretty good set, I LOVE IT! Sodastream adapter: Pro regulator: Cheap regulator: __________ Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel for aquascaping inspiration! Follow me on INSTAGRAM @TheCineScaper #aquascape #aquarium #thecinescaper __________ 🎥 Gear I use: Canon 1DX MK II Canon and Sigma lenses DJI Ronin M Edited and graded in Final Cut X