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Description: The recent Pentagon UFO, or AEP, report has been released. Mysterious sightings of supposed UFOs containing alien life forms have been made across the world. Do aliens exist? What could these mysterious sightings be? Many do not realize that the Bible contains concrete answers about the existence of aliens and who they really are! Join us on this fascinating voyage to shed light on the unknown! ➤Subscribe to White Horse Media!: ➤Purchase the blockbuster book “Approaching Armadeddon”: ➤Subscribe to Hope Through Prophecy!: ➤Support us in sharing the gospel with the world!: All donations are considered charitable contributions and tax-deductible. 501(c)(3) ➤Mail us at: Hope Through Prophecy PO Box 2022 Priest River, ID 83856 ➤BECOME A PATREON!: Behind-the scenes footage, early video previews, devotional thoughts, travel and exercise vlogs, and more! ➤Hope Through Prophecy on Instagram: ➤ Hope Through Prophecy on Facebook: Resources: Official Pentagon UFO Report: website: Footage of supposed UFO sightings: Today Show. “Leaked: Pentagon's UFO Investigation Spotlighted In New Photos And Video | TODAY” (FAIR USE) Unless otherwise noted, scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.