Channel: Ya - Alisa
Category: Entertainment
Tags: brush teethrules of good behavioralice and eva playalicegames with dadmorning routineevaplay withalice and evacatgamesfunny storiesbehaviorkidsgood behaviorpretend playalice smilecollectionalice and dadfor kidsindoor gamesvideos for kidspretend to playstories for kidskids learneva playwith dadfunny dadkids videoplayingtalking cat
Description: #aliceanddad #aliceandeva A collection of funny stories for kids about Alice and Eva and their indoor games and outdoor games with dad. Kids learn to do their morning routine by playing with the Talking Cat Tom. Alice and Eva pretend play and learn to brush teeth, wash face and make a delicious breakfast. Funny videos for kids about the rules of good behavior. Drum roll, please! Ya Alisa is now live on Roku streaming devices. Stop worrying about inappropriate content, enjoy our exclusive videos, and save your favorites. Install the channel and start watching right away!