Channel: Aussie Four Wheelers
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: 4wdproject car build4x4 off road80-seriesaussie 4 wheelersaussie four wheelers4 x 44x4four wheel driveland cruiserfzj80toyotaoffroadingoffroadtoyota land cruiserlc804*44x4 australia
Description: Here is a surprise 4x4 Project that was picked up recently from my good ole mate Tony. It is a 1996 Toyota Land Cruiser FZJ80, or LC80, or 80-series. Hope you all like it. There's a lot in store for this 4WD. This is the first video and everything done to it will be recorded, so stay tuned! It will have its own playlist so make sure you save it if you want to keep getting updates on it. Thank you. If you would like to support us, please visit: Enjoy watching and feel free to comment and share. E N J O Y