Channel: Beatriz Soto
Category: Music
Tags: spainshadia afromalagabeatriz sotokudurutorremolinoskizombaafrofestival costa del solkaizen dancebkizmálagakwenda lima & joanasalserisima6 bea kizombakwenda limabeatriz soto youtuberkizomba youtuberafrohousehotel amaraguakizomba festivalsbea sotosemba
Description: You can follow me here/ puedes seguirme aquí.. Next year: As always here Kwenda Lima in the demo of his KIZOMBA WORKSHOP, Joana is dancing with him in the perfect harmony, very nice job, excellent, thanks. Congratulations to Shadia in your 6th edition of AFROFESTIVAL COSTA DEL SOL, perfect organization, staff, wonderful artists, Djs., taxidancers, dancers, participants, friends, and very nice facilities from Hotel Amaragua (Torremolinos - Mälaga) Special thanks and congratulations to my friends-colleagues in the media team, Shervin and POSOVISUAL - Alfonso., I love to work close to you. Every year better! don't miss to buy your full pass for the 7th edition.