Channel: Carlo Paolozza
Category: Entertainment
Tags: gone wrongsurrounded by copspolice caught in liearrestedtoronto abandoned mansionexploreabandoned mansionalmost arrestedabandoned exploring gone wrongtoronto policepolicecaught by policepolice tactics dont workrecordinterviews gone wrongpolice use tacticsvlogabandonedurban exploring gone wrongcarlo paolozzaurbex
Description: Another day in the life of exploring abandoned locations a behind the scenes look in a normal day on this case a very bad day gonig to explore an abandoned mansion, something triggered us to leave but didnt expect 6 cops to show up as they try tactics to there advantage but im not falling for it Use Code "Carlopaolozza10" to get 10% discount VLOG CHANNEL!!! Facebook Twitter Instagram #abandoned #gonewrong #police