Channel: GTOger
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: ron prattow truckcat videogtoger
Description: When a delivery van turned up abandoned on my street, it took a bit of investigating to find out why and who it belonged to. Luckily, we had the help of the local police, the tow truck and my cat Tommy. The phone number that didn't match doesn't show up on the video, but it's on the back doors of the van. It is (was) for the local office that the van is dispatched from. I could have, but did not, call the 1-800 number on the side of the van. Yes, this video is different. I know. If and when things get back to normal, I'll be perfectly happy to post the regular kinds of videos. Until then, I'm just going to experiment with some different things. You're welcome to join me! Thanks for understanding. 00:00 - A mysterious delivery van appears Music: Timpani Beat, Nana Kwabena 01:10 - Police on the scene Music: 1975, Josh Kirsch 02:03 - Secret Squirrel! 03:02 - #DRUMBEATS Music: The Hero Steps Up, Dougie Wood 03:25 - Close-up camera 06:27 - Tommy the Cat investigates 07:31 - Tommy isn't sure about this 08:19 - Tommy wants to go for a ride 09:02 - Tommy flies 09:22 - Belly rubs!