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A380 AIRBUS PILOTS use the whole runway to stop an Aircraft. Very impressive reverse thrust ! 4K

Duration: 02:24Views: 139.7KLikes: 607Date Created: Dec, 2020

Channel: Topfelya

Category: Autos & Vehicles

Tags: planelondoncrosswind landinga380a380 emiratesaviationairbus a380emirates4k videoreverse thrusthorrible weatherlanding on wet runwaypilots use the whole runway to stop an aircraftairlinewet runwaypilotsgatwick airportpilottakeoffaircrafttopfelyaemirates airlineairbus a380 pilotsa380 pilotsa380 landingairportairplaneslandingcrosswind takeoffa380 airbus landingairbus4k aviation4kairplaneবিমানlondon gatwickeasyjet

Description: Must see 4K video ! Airbus A380 Emirates airlines landing on wet runway during heavy rain at London Gatwick airport. Pilots did use the whole runway to smoothly slow down this beautiful airplane. The weather conditions were horrible. Lots of water on runway ! Brake to Vacate or BTV allows pilots to select the appropriate runway exit during the approach to landing, and regulates the aircraft’s deceleration after touchdown – enabling it to reach any chosen exit at the correct speed under optimum conditions, no matter the weather and visibility. Copyright Topfelya © #বিমান #A380 #aircraft

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