Channel: APerfectCircleVEVO
Category: Music
Tags: maynardihamcjunkinsperfectkeenanjamesmattmetal(composer)jeff(musicalthirteenthjosh freese (drummer)tool (musical group)billy howerdel (composer)friedlgroup)stepartist)circlealbum)
Description: Friend us on Facebook @ Twitter & Instagram @Toazted In 2002 Toazted did an interview with master drummer Josh Freese, who left the band in 2012. Freese compares A Perfect Circle to Tool. "I love Tool, but they're a lot heavier. A Perfect Circle is more of a pop version of the dark and aggressive Tool. Maynard always says that Tool is his masculine side, and A Perfect Circle is his feminine side." #APerfectCircle #ToaztedInterview2002 #Vevo #Rock #VevoOfficial