Channel: FlippingOldschool
Category: Gaming
Tags: runescaperunecrafting runescapeupdate osrsweekly recapupdate oldschool runescapenew runecaft method osrsrunecrafting osrsosrs udpateoldschool runescapeguardians of the riftnew method osrsguardians of the rift osrsrunecrafting oldschool runescapeosrsnew runecrafting training method is coming to osrsosrs new methodold school runescapenew runecraft training osrsnew osrsoldschool runescape runecraftosrs runecrafting
Description: Install Raid for Free ✅ Mobile and PC: and get a special starter pack 💥 Available only for the next 30 days! Jagex has finally released information on the new runecrafting training method the guardians of the rift. This will be a new minigame that we should be receiving in march. Today I am going to be covering the new dev blog that just released. I will be covering how the new method will work, the experience rates you will receive as well as the money you will make per hour. With the introduction of this new runecraft method, jagex is planning on adding a bunch of new unique items to the minigame. There is a lot to cover in this dev blog! Guardians of the Rift Dev Blog Thanks for watching --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ironside Click here to customize your own PC Use my coupon code "flipping" for a 5% discount! Grand Exchange Tracker Discord Music Used Krik Twitch: Twitter: Clan Chat: "FlippingOSRS" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you to my Youtube members! Gohma CJ Rouse Faerell 2000 Btd6 K1ng Herieman Mexose Tyler Mccutcheon Guy Fawkes Brandton Graffin Samon sounds Septiikos WolfoftheHunt ndm0001 yoyosup 89 Timothy Chen Basstich MageOfLink Whales FTW Nova Ocilot Kush Patel Clarko William Corley Vasil Cholakov Michael