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7 Life Hacks For Sharpener YOU SHOULD KNOW !

Duration: 05:14Views: 96.6KLikes: 596Date Created: Aug, 2018

Channel: Million Gears

Category: Science & Technology

Tags: how to buildhow tosharpnerlife hackfun life hackssimplehow to maketop 10creative ideastipshackamazingdo it yourselfback to schoolsharpener useslife hacksdiyhackssharpenersimple life hackstutorialawesome hackssharpener tricksmillion gearssharpener hackstrickssharpener life hackseasysharpener life hackhome madeawesomelife hacks for sharpenersharpener hacklife hacks for schooleasy to makeawesome life hacks

Description: Hello my dear friends, in this video I'm going to show you 7 awesome Life Hacks for Sharpener. You must try these sharpener life hacks. You can easily do these life hacks at home. If you love life hacks videos, then this video is for you. If you Enjoyed This Video, Then Please Give it a Like and Share This with Your Friends. To Stay Updated Please Subscribe to My Channel by hitting that red button near the channel icon. #LifeHacks #SharpenerLifeHacks #HowToMake Hola mis queridos amigos, en este video les mostraré 7 increíbles Life Hacks for Sharpener. Debes probar estos hackeos de vida de sacapuntas. Puede hacer fácilmente estos hacks de vida en casa. Si te encantan los videos de Life Hacks, entonces este video es para ti. Bonjour mes chers amis, dans cette vidéo, je vais vous montrer 7 impressionnants Life Hacks for Sharpener. Vous devez essayer ces hacks de vie aiguiseur. Vous pouvez facilement faire ces hacks de la vie à la maison. Si vous aimez les vidéos de hacks de la vie, alors cette vidéo est pour vous. Things Required : 1. Sharpener 2. DC motor 3. 9V Battery 4. Switch 5. Wires 6. Battery Cap 7. Soldering Iron and wires 8. Hot Glue Gun 9. Pop sticks 10. Clips 11. Small box 12. Screw Driver Hii Guys, Welcome to My YouTube Channel " Million Gears " Here on this channel, I upload videos of science experiment, life hacks, DIY videos and much more ******Social media links ******* Instagram : instagram.com/MillionGears Tumblr : tumblr.com/blog/milliongears Facebook: facebook.com/MillionGears Twitter : twitter.com/MillionGears YouTube : youtube.com/MillionGears ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Music: Audio Library Track : Take me home tonight - Vibe Tracks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks For Watching! Please Subscribe!

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